Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school?

I feel that home learning is effective in the way that we are able to get outside help like the Internet which we are unable to do in the class. This way, we are able to do work which requires the Internet without going to the computer lab. Furthermore, home learning also trains us to be more independent as we have to plan and manage our time properly as it is up to ourselves to manage our time at home unlike the teachers managing our time in school.

However, in class, we are able to get a clearer picture of what the teacher is trying to explain to us. Live demonstrations are much easier to understand. Also, in the class, if we do not understand anything, we can get immediate response to our doubts, unlike on the Internet. Home learning also requires a lot of computer use which tires our eyes after a long period of time. We are usually advised to rest after every 1 hour of work, but it is not very possible as teachers give the work at one go and is usually a lot of work before a certain dateline on the same day instead of the usual tomorrow or next lesson. However, it is fair as we have the use of the Internet and do not have to spend time travelling.

The other bad side of home learning is that teachers are unable to find out what the pupils are doing at home. They could be just waiting for friends to complete their work and then copying from them. Pupils could also be doing work in parts and then compiling it. That way, it reduces a lot of work done and the amount of time it takes. Another case would be doing all the work in one day, and then playing for the rest of the days on online learning. This is not as bad as copying work or doing it in groups and then compiling as the same amount of time is taken and the same amount of work is done.

In conclusion, home learning is not such a bad idea as in times like this, where many pupils have fallen ill, we are able to catch up with work as well and stop the spreading of the virus. However, nothing can be done to stop pupils from doing their work as a group or copying from each other, even in school sometimes.


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