Sunday, April 12, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 2 Wk 3)

Q: Imagine the chaotic scene of the aftermath of a natural disaster. How would it be like? In what ways could a natural disaster affect a country and its citizens? Describe such an imaginary scenario. You can be as creative as possible on the possible impact.

A little shake began to rip across the city. Everyone in the city of New York has never experienced this in a decade already. Scientific study has predicted a monster earthquake in the city of New York, but has not determined when it would happen. Could this be the one? The ground began to shake more violently, sending many running towards buildings and in many other directions. Many screams could be heard calling out to their loved ones as people started shoving and pushing one another roughly.

The shake now started to very violently, a full scale earthquake has just occurred. “Oh my god! The ground’s ripping apart!” a pale looking burly man screamed as he looked sheepishly at the ground underneath him which was slowing splitting apart. He stood there in utter shock and could not move at all. In the matter of seconds, the man fell into the Earth in which he plunged deep into the large black pit which was several kilometers deep.

“My child where’s my child!” Screams from anxious parents could be heard, and crying from children rang distinctively, but in the mad crowd, it was difficult to locate anyone. “Head towards a building! It will save us!” a young man in his 20s screamed at the top of his voice. “It’ll more like kill us!” another screamed. Without a second though, the young man in his 20s together with many other followers sprinted towards a large building, the Empire State Building. The sturdy looking building seemed to sway slightly, but the people still continued to heed the young man’s advice and raced towards the building at top speed.

Just then, a huge shake ripped through the city. Everyone was pinned to the ground. Suddenly, a sound rang through the city, something nobody knew what was. Everyone became silent. It was the sound of dust. It was the sound of cracking. It was the sound of somewhat sound like something which was about to break and fall. As the looked up to the fiery sky, the distinctive enormous tower which separated itself from the rest had no difficulty catching everyone’s eyes. Stress on the tower’s middle section could started to appear. Everyone gasped with horror at this very scene. Slowly, it began to tilt slightly. And from the tall buildings, some people trapped within that death cage could be seen using their last resort, plunging themselves from the over 400 meters. That was their ditch attempt, which tragically ended in a gruesome death.

The people under the building at this scene, knew it was too late. They stared at the dead bodies which soon they will have the same fate. Some fell to their knees and hugged their loved ones, some looked at the pictures of their loved ones, some just fainted and gave up complete hope, while others tried praying to god to beg for mercy.

It did not come. The wonder of one of the tallest building was about to become dust and rubble. The building split into half as it collapsed. The speeding stories of the building from the top most level stacked on top of each other. Unable to withstand the weight, the levels just gave way as it sped towards the ground at lightning speed. Soon, within the blink of an eye, the building was down. Everyone underneath it was crushed. Blood splatters could be seen everywhere.

But it was not the end. The collapse of the building sent many cars exploding. The last attempt by the devil was to destroy the city. A large chain explosion occurred. Petrol stations and fuel trucks made it worse, sending many bits of rubble and metal flying into the sky, some killing the alive. The fire then spread across the building, sending many mortals to the ground. Now after a whole minute, the Earthquake finally stopped. But the situations weren’t better either. The whole of New York had became a living hell for the alive. The survivors wanted badly to get out of this place, but chances were slim as the fire covered the place with the radius of a kilometer, it was clear that most had died. Few had survived.

Rescue had finally came. From the high skies, helicopters could be seen hovering above while tubs of water were splashed across the city. Some roads were cleared while the fire trucks and ambulances slowly made their way through the maze. The scene was horrible. Some alive could be seen rolling about on the ground with fire engulfing them. They’re high-pitched cries were no use as the slowly began to turn black and fall to the ground with faces of sheer horror.

Some child ran across the city, crying out loud. Some were disfigured. Some had the same fate as the man, burning to his death. It was such a sorrowful scene. There were a number of survivors, but it was impossible to save all. The rescuers did all they could…

“The major disaster left the modern city into just a land with some hills made of rubble. This event was one of the world disasters which resulted in many billions of dollars of damage and a total death of 302389 people in total, tourist and citizens, family and friends, all were buried and burnt in this event. What a big impact on this business district. This would surely damage United State’s economy for sure. What a saddening event…”Reporters would said.

As you look into the high skies of this city, all could be seen is a large black cloud like the ozone, covering the whole city. No light could penetrate through the strong shield of thick black smoke. As you look into the high skies of the building, your spirit feel for the others in this tragic scene. But as you look up again to look for some light… …

You know that there will always be a new beginning… …


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