Thursday, April 23, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 2 Wk 4)

Q: How far do you agree that courtesy begins at home?

I truly agree that courtesy begins at home. Usually, when children are young, they would spend most of their time at home with their family. Since they are young, they would try to follow what their role models do, which are usually their parents and siblings. So, if they are though good manners and have parents of siblings as good role models, they would most likely to grow up with good courtesy.

However, as they grow up and mix with their friends, they might somehow learn some bad habits. Their family could try to correct this by showing support and that what their friends are doing is not correct. Since they have been brought up with good courtesy from young, they would most likely not change so quickly and they would also bring these values through their lives even when they grow old. They would also most likely be able to think of what is correct and have the correct type of behavior, in other words, good courtesy.

If a child is not taught about courtesy at home, they would also have more difficulties changing for the better as they have already been used to not having courtesy.

Courtesy is very important and it is the parent’s duties to teach their children about this. Simple things such as thank-you and sorry are some very basic courtesy “rules” which are essential in life. This could matter in terms of making friends of making enemies. For example, when you are in the wrong, you say sorry, but if you did not do that, the other person would feel that you are impolite and do not have courtesy. So you have just made an enemy, however, if you did say sorry and have apologized, the person would most likely just forget about the issue.

In conclusion, Courtesy is a very important thing and it begins at home.


Blogger Zhang Cheng said...

ya i think courtesy is very important. you made a good point by saying that it starts at home and depends a lot on parents. you also stated what are the basic courtesy and manners of life, like saying thank you and sorry. in conclusion, you said very clearly about courtesy.

April 25, 2009 at 11:16 AM  

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