Thursday, July 30, 2009

2. What are some tips you would offer fellow students to stay healthy?

Here are some tips I would offer fellow students to stay healthy.

 Drink plenty of water
It is important to drink plenty of water as this makes sure that we are well hydrated to prevent us from falling sick easily.
 Maintain proper hygiene
This will help us keep off germs which are harmful. This will prevent us from falling sick easily.
 Avoid going to crowded places if not necessary
This will decrease our chances of having contact with people who are sick and might spread their germs and virus to us.
 Do not share food, drinks or utensils with other people
This will minimize the chances of us falling sick. This is because the other person which you share your food, drinks or utensils with might be sick and cause you to catch the virus and fall ill as well.
 Each healthy food and have a healthy diet
This will keep our body strong and be able to fend off viruses better.
 Visit a doctor immediately if you are feeling unwell
This will ensure if you have caught an illness or not. Visiting a doctor earlier would mean being able to stop the spread of virus to others, and at the same time, cure yourself earlier, to prevent yourself from falling even more ill.
 Wear a mask it you are feeling unwell
This will prevent the people around you from falling ill, at the same time, it also protects you from getting other viruses from other people.
 Have enough rest and sleep
This will increase the immunity of our body against viruses which are constantly trying to attack us.

If we follow these 8 tips, we will be able to stop the spread of the virus and stay healthy at the same time.


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