Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Favourite Food

My favourite type of food would be the popular roti prata, which is an Indian made dish. Roti prata is actually a Singaporean evolution of the Pakistani and Indian paratha which is a pancake bread. Roti means bread while Prata means flat, which is why roti prata is made of flour and is usually flat.

I have tried many kinds of prata, ranging from the pratas which are thin, round and flat, to cone shaped pratas which are extremely thin and crispy. However, i prefer the commonly found pratas which are round and flat as they are more filling and better tasting. My favourite type of pratas would be the plain and egg prata. I also prefer the curry to sugar as the curry makes the prata salty and makes it spicier.

Here is an picture of roti prata:

The special thing about roti prata is that it is prepared in a rather special way as it is constantly being pressed and tossed around to make it larger and flatter. That is why the prata is usually made infront of people to show this special way of preparing this dish. When receiving the roti prata from the stall holder, the fragrant of the roti prata together with the curry is absolutely mouth-watering.

However, there is a downside to this fabulous dish. It sometimes can cause a mess if not careful. Also, plenty of water is "required" as it is rather heaty and can cause a sore throat. But still, the roti prata is an absolutely marvellous dish which is both affordable and delicious.

Overall dish rating: 7.5/10


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