Thursday, February 26, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 8)

Q: Describe how people in your country are doing their part to save the environment.

People in Singapore are surely doing quite a bit to save the environment. Less people litter. Less people waste water. More people switch to public transport, and many others which have own ways of doing their parts.

Why are they doing so ?

Partly, less people litter nowadays as there are more rubbish bins in Singapore. Everywhere we go, rubbish bins can be seen, which makes it a point not to litter. Further more, littering is a offence and if you are caught littering, be prepared to dig deep into your pockets.

As for not wasting electricity and water, many notices have been put up and many people have been educated and told to save electricity and water. Talks are also given to children and the old to tell them the importance of saving electricity and water as it plays a big part in conserving the environment. But, Singapore also does have its other more forceful ways to make people save electricity and water. The cost and bills of using electricity have been going up and people in Singapore are starting to feel the pinch, such that they have no choice, but to conserve as much as they can, which is still considered as saving the environment.

How about switching to public transport ? Public transport is cheaper than taking a private vehicle or taking a taxi. But why is that so ? The taxi fares have been going up. Taking a private vehicle is expensive. Why do i say that ? ERP. Fuel prices. and other factors. ERPs are used to make less congestion on a certain road, but is there another reason other than earning money ? Well, after the increase in fuel prices and the number of ERPs, more Singaporeans are now switching to public transport as it is much cheaper, so the government does think of saving the environment too. Less vehicles, less pollution. The government is also working and building more train tracks and stations and probably even more bus services so as to let us go to more places in singapore have not have to wait for a long time for a bus or train to come. This way, more Singaporeans will switch to public transports and save the environment.

This is what the people in Singapore have done to save the environment.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nothing But The Truth Alternative Ending

English: Nothing but the truth alternative ending. (sorry, I know I exceed the number of words, was too engrossed in writing and the names at the side also take up quite a number of words. Hope you understand) (Please forgive me if there are any grammatical or spelling errors. Thanks.)

(Continued from Phillip Malloy blowing up the matter and having his homeroom and English class changed. But he hasn’t transferred school)

Phillip Malloy: Mum, actually, i lied.

Mrs Malloy: lied about what ?

Phillip Malloy: The Patriotism issue ?

Mrs Malloy: Oh come on Phillip, what you did was correct ? Everyone loves you now, you should be happy !

Phillip Malloy: But i'm not. I wasn't actually showing my patrotism, i... ...

Mrs Malloy: Silly boy, enjoy your fame.

Phillip Malloy's Diary

I'm very confused. Everyone loves me, but in school, everyone hates me. Even Coach Jamison resorted to such things to make me apologise. I'm not sure whether i should apologise to that teacher, Ms Narwin . I'm not totally in the wrong ! Its that teacher's fault !But i'm feeling quite bad about it.

Conversation between Phillip and Mr malloy

Phillip Malloy: Dad...

Mr Malloy: Yes ?

Phillip Malloy: I was lying...

Mr Malloy: Lying about what ?

Phillip Malloy: The singing of the national anthem.

Mr Malloy: oh come on son... ...

Phillip Malloy: No. let me finish dad.

Mr Malloy: okay...

Phillip Malloy: Everyone in school thinks that Ms Narwin is correct.

Mr Malloy: Not!

Phillip Malloy: But i'm feeling rather upset now. I did the humming thing to actually...... annoy Ms Narwin.

Mr Malloy: ... Phillip...

Phillip Malloy: Sorry Dad. Maybe i should ap0logise. And maybe you could contact the reporters to tell them the real story ?

Mr Malloy: ... Phillip...

Phillip Malloy's Diary
I'm feeling much better now. I've made up my mind to apologise to Ms Narwin. Think she'll let me in the school team then by giving me a higher grade ? Bet she won't. But anyway, i do feel better after making up my mind to apologise. This should make Coach Jamison and my friends hate me less. Maybe Coach Jamison might let me in the school team after i apologise since he's been wanting me to do that. Well, tomorrow, i'll apologise. Well, it wouldn't be that hard. would it ?

Conversation with Dr Palleni

Dr Palleni: Changed your mind ?

Phillip Malloy: Yeah. I suppose it would be the best way.

Dr Palleni: Good.

Phillip Malloy: Thanks.

Conversation with Ms Narwin:

Ms Narwin: Phillp, I don’t want to see you. You’re no longer in my class.

Phillip Malloy: I just wanted to…

Ms Narwin: You’re not in my class or homeroom, you can ask Mr Lunser for extra work if you want.

Phillip Malloy: I want to apologise. Ms Narwin, I really sorry about what I’ve done and I hope that you could forgive me and let me return to your homeroom and class. I’ll promise to work hard and not have a grudge against you.

Ms Narwin: …Phillip…

Daily Newspapers:

Pupil apologises after... ...

Phillip Malloy from Harrison High School has admitted and would like to apologise about… …

Conversation between Phillip Malloy and his parents

Mr Malloy: Any regrets ? You’re seem like a hot topic in the public now. For a bad thing. The letter box is filled with letters, Want to have a look ?

Phillip Malloy: No for both questions. Actually…

Mrs Malloy: Hear this, From Mr Harazzon, Phillip you are such an...

Mr Malloy: Let the boy finish.

Phillip Malloy: Thanks dad. Actually, Coach…

Mr Malloy: Did that coach give you problems …

Mrs Malloy: Let the boy finish

Mr Malloy: Fine…

Phillip Malloy: Coach Jamison has given me a chance. He says that if I score better in the upcoming test next month, he’ll get me in the school team. He says I can join in for the trainings next week, but unless my scores are good will I then be officially in the school team.

Mr Malloy: I’ve no regrets now.

Mrs Malloy: You and your running...

Conversation between Phillip Malloy and his friends

Todd Becker: Saw the newspapers yesterday.

Phillip Malloy: I know

Todd Becker: That was cool.

Phillip Malloy: Yeah. Sure.

Todd Becker: No seriously, that was cool. Everyone’s talking about it now.

Allison Doresett: Phillip, I’m really glad you made the right choice.

Phillip Malloy: Thanks. Want to join me for Lunch after school ?

Allison Doesett: Sure.

Todd Becker: You’re footing the bill.

Phillip Malloy: Sure

Todd Becker: Hey thanks phillip !

Phillip Malloy: I didn’t say I was inviting you.

Todd Becker: Hey ! Wait. Don’t go! You’re my best friend. Come on!

Phillip: Thanks. No. Bye.

Todd Becker: You're not my friend now.

1 month, 1 week later. Test results.

Ms Narwin: Phillip.

Phillip Malloy: Damn

Ms Narwin: Phillip

Phillip Malloy: …yes…

Ms Narwin: Well done. you got a...B-.

Phillip Malloy: Thanks Ms Narwin, You’re the best teacher ever.

Ms Narwin: Thanks Phillip.

Phillip Malloy: Sure. It'll be a A next.
Ms Narwin: Good luck with it.
Phillip Malloy: Thanks.

Conversation with Coach Jamison

Coach Jamison: Congratulations Phillip. You’ve done well in your test. You’re a good runner too. You’ll be the vice captain. Next month, school competition, you’re in it.

Phillip Malloy: Thanks

Phillip Malloy’s Diary:

Exhilarated. I’m just so happy. School seems to be fun now. No one in school hates me now. Only the public does, but I’m happy in school.
Ms Narwin seems very nice now. My friends all treat me well, especially Allison Doresett. Coach Jamison let me into the school team too. Mum and Dad’s happy. I'm overjoyed. I love school.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Term 1 Photo Montage (ENG/RTA)


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 7)

I am not very happy with the sale of organs being sold illegally. I feel that the government must do something about this. 1st, i will touch on unscrupulous doctors who remove people's organ's without consent. Doctors are people who should be helping people, and not trying to harm them just because of their greed. They should be curing and healing people without having money in their mind, they should concentrate on helping them instead of trying to earn money by removing their organs and selling them to others who are willing to buy them at very high prices.

We must tell all citizens of India that whoever has met with such problems with such disgraceful doctors will not fear to approach and report this incident to us.

Anyone who sells their organs illegally, doctors who remove patient's organs without their consent or people who offer high prices to buy illegal organs will all be punished severely. That is the message we must tell the citizens of India. I too feel that the government has a very big role in this. We must educate all our citizens and train all our doctors properly. Citizens must be aware that they are not to sell their organs illegally and doctors must be notified that if they are found removing organs without patient's consent, they will be in very deep trouble.

Thank you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 6)

Q: You are the speech writer for the Minister of Transport of your country, who has plans to increase the traffic charges during peak hours at places suffering from acute traffic congestion problems. Draft a speech, which he is going to make on national television about an increase in the charges.

Dear citizens of Singapore, I am aware that many of the places have heavy traffic problems during peak hours. I am also aware that many drivers are not to happy about the number of ERPs and the amount of money they have to pay a day when they go through the gantry.

However, this has also proven to have made many people switch to public transport and the traffic at those areas have been smooth ever since. Thus, I will be increasing the charges per entry and plan to build more gantries which will be activated from 6.45 to 8am and 6-8pm. I am sure that after doing this, these places would be less crowded and those who continue to take this route will have a much smoother ride. Alternative is that you can switch to public transport. That will not only save money on fuel, but also help save the environment.

Thank-you for your attention.

(sorry...not much in this post, couldn't find a suitable blog prompt and don't really agree with building more ERPs gantries...)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 5)

Hello boy and girls, i am here today to touch on the topic of environmental issues. For you, it might not seem so important, but actually, it is a very important issue and if you do not take action to help the environment, the world will not be a good place to live in in the future for yourself and your younger generations.

Do you realise the number of cars and vehicles on the roads nowadays ? What if you compared them to the past ? Now, compare the amount of air pollution and number of natural disasters in the past and currently. Do you realise an increase ? Well, they are all contributions from us, in many ways, from wasting electricity to polluting the air.

The temperature has been increasing lately in Singapore, in other countries, such as Australia, forest fires have even started, and in Toronto, the temperature is freezing. The temperature of many countries are getting more and more extreme which is not a good sign.

I am here today, to tell you that you should try to play a part in conserving the earth's resources.

Here are 8 helpful tips:

1:Always switch off appliances when not in use. leaving computers in standby mood does not save much electricity either, so, switch it off.

2: Try to take public transport more often.

3: Do not litter

4: For example, if your parents takes you to school by car, and so does 3 others of your friends, you should try to ask your friends to board you parent's car as 1 car would save petrol and cause less pollution compared to 4 cars.

5: Do not switch on both the air-conditioner and the fan. Try to switch on the fan rather than the air-conditioner as it takes up much more energy.

6: Close doors and windows when air-condition is on and do not leave the refrigerator door open for too long or put hot items in it as these will cause more electricity to cool down the area.

7: Take a shower rather than a bath

8: Use a cup rather than a running tap of water when brushing your teeth.

Well, all these 8 tips may not sound so important and that it only plays a small part in conserving the environment, but in fact, if everyone does a little for the environment, it will result in big changes in the world and the world would be a better place to live in. So, start small, and start NOW.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 4)

Q: Age and experience are important to the workforce in any country. Discuss with relevant examples how this statement is true.

In my opinion, experience can be told by how much a person knows, how many times he has done something particular and his age.

Older workers are usually more experienced as they have lived longer and know how to solve problems more than younger people.

Older people are also not as particular as what job they have as to compared to young people. Older people too are less irritated or annoyed when an obstacles blocks their path.

But why are many companies still employing younger people then ??

Young people nowadays are faster though less experienced and hardworking as older people. But, they are mostly better educated and usually, Newly grads are usually what companies are eyeing on as their memory is still fresh. Older people are also more forgetful.

Young people too can solve problems very quickly although sometimes rash.

Younger people are mostly preferred still in jobs, but companies should not try to ignore the old people. They can be trained too, further more, they have experience are willing to do some jobs. Thus, companies should try to employ both old and young workers to have a balanced amount of work force such that everyone has a specific and appropriate title in their job. Old people are also more suitable for higher post as they know how to make wise decisions.

In my point of view, I find that now, we should not look at a person’s age to determine whether he or she would be a suitable worker, but how hardworking, experienced and whether they would do well in the company or not.

Current Affairs (Term 1 wk 3)

Q: Imagine your group has just invented an electronic device that helps other students learn better in the classroom. Write a short press release that describes this new device and explain how it will promote learning.

The invention of a new electronic device has arrived. This invention, is however special. It not only allow pupils to learn more, but it also reminds them of what homework they have which are orderly classified into each subject and when it dues.

This device also small and portable which will allow pupils to bring it allow with them in which they are able to do their homework if it is internet related, learn more and even contact their teachers and pupils.

How this benefits teachers:
Teachers can now post homework on this device and send it to all other pupils in which they will be able remind pupils their homework and what they would have to learn for their exams to minimize the number of late or undone work.

This device can also serve as a time table such that teachers can remember what classes they currently have and what he/she wants to teach in this lesson. This device can too act as a assignment sender in which pupils can do on their devices or if printing is needed, can connect to a printer via Bluetooth.

For students:
This will help them escape from another close shave from being scolded from the teacher.

Well, this is definitely the perfect device for both pupils and students. It is a one in a million device which is organized, easy to use, portable and definitely a must buy.

Comes with a free ear-piece, touch pad for written exercises and instruction manual which includes other hidden and special features in this device.

To be released in 2100 for only USD$9999.99 !!

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 2)

Q: You are a member of the society for the prevention of Cruelty To Animals and want to raise awareness of the cruelty of whaling in Japan. Prepare a speech to be made at a public forum on the cruelty of the fishing industry to whales in Japan.

Ladies and Gentleman, i am Yeo Mickey, a member of the society of the prevention of Cruelty To Animals. I am here today to raise the awareness of the cruelty of whaling in Japan.

Japan has a long history of whaling. But, that should not be the case now. The population of whales are vastly getting smaller. I feel that the people of Japan should try to understand that whaling too much is not a good thing and that they should try to consume less of whale meat. If they consume less of it, there will be less whaling too.

If the people of Japan still consumes too huge of population of whales, the government should step up and probably limit the amount of whaling each year.

That is the end of my speech. Thank-you

Sunday, February 1, 2009

1st month as a Hwa Chong pupil

One month in Hwa Chong Institution. This is what I think of the school.

The school’s really big. So travelling from one place to another is quite tiring and time consuming. The school interior is very peaceful, especially with the rivers and trees. The classrooms are a bit old, the tables are quite vandalized, some items are quite old, but at least they are still in working conditions and pass the criteria.

Pupils: I would say that all the pupils there including our seniors are very helpful and friendly. Maybe some exceptions, but on the whole, everyone cares about each other. My classmates are very friendly and almost everyone is able to click along with each other quite well.

TEACHERS……ERRR……they are fantastic. Right class ??

But seriously, I would say that all the teachers are very experienced and the materials they give us are very helplful. They are not really fierce, but they know how to handle situations in class very well. Sometimes they get angry, but I believe that what they are doing is to maintain order in the class and to make the environment better for learning so we can do well in our exams and excel further in our studies.

Overall, my 1st month in hwa chong has been an eye opener. Its quite stressful in there, lots of homework, and now, comes exams with many new subjects such as computer, geography, history and 3rd language for some. And the other subjects, English, maths, science and Chinese are not very easy as well, they are being tested quite different from our primary schools.

And the CCAs haven’t even started yet and i'm already struggling with 3rd language, homework and exams, so I better try to adapt to the environment quickly.

My current wish is to do well in the exams. I currently don’t have a target score as I have never sat for a secondary school exam before. I’m not even quite sure how to use the MSG and what result is considered as good. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, just have to try my best and whatever my result is, I still have to work hard for future exams anyway. UGH ! =.=*!!!

Chinese New Year

Every year, my family and I would go visiting every chinese new year. This year is no different.

On Chinese new year eve, we would have reunion dinner with my relatives from my father’s side. This year, we had reunion dinner at Science Center’s restaurant, Sakura, near The observary.

Since it was a buffet, me, being someone who doesn’t want to loose out, immediately went to the abalone and shark fin section. After getting lots of those, the very 1st piece of abalone I placed into my mouth was….terrible =.=*!.But sine I took so many pieces, it would be a waste not to finish it, anyway, it was still abalone, something which I like to eat. I ate many pieces of abalone, wondering what a good deal it was, only to discover that the all the abalone I ate was all fake… ...

Which restaurant would have abalone which is in the buffet section…

Now, for the shark fin, it was real. But, it was mostly starch. In my bowl of shark fin, I couldn’t really find much shark fin or crab meat.

Even though the food wasn’t so good, it was good to have a reunion together with my relatives. But I find that our future reunion dinners should be in a restaurant which doesn’t offer buffet for when there is a buffet, everyone would rush for food and that leaves less time for us to talk to each other and share our experiences.

Oh and I almost forgot, we met someone special at science center’s sakura restaurant.

He was on TV on the very day for the countdown to Chinese.

Sry the picture’s a little blur, took it with my handphone.

Well, that’s all the time I have for now, bye.