Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year

Every year, my family and I would go visiting every chinese new year. This year is no different.

On Chinese new year eve, we would have reunion dinner with my relatives from my father’s side. This year, we had reunion dinner at Science Center’s restaurant, Sakura, near The observary.

Since it was a buffet, me, being someone who doesn’t want to loose out, immediately went to the abalone and shark fin section. After getting lots of those, the very 1st piece of abalone I placed into my mouth was….terrible =.=*!.But sine I took so many pieces, it would be a waste not to finish it, anyway, it was still abalone, something which I like to eat. I ate many pieces of abalone, wondering what a good deal it was, only to discover that the all the abalone I ate was all fake… ...

Which restaurant would have abalone which is in the buffet section…

Now, for the shark fin, it was real. But, it was mostly starch. In my bowl of shark fin, I couldn’t really find much shark fin or crab meat.

Even though the food wasn’t so good, it was good to have a reunion together with my relatives. But I find that our future reunion dinners should be in a restaurant which doesn’t offer buffet for when there is a buffet, everyone would rush for food and that leaves less time for us to talk to each other and share our experiences.

Oh and I almost forgot, we met someone special at science center’s sakura restaurant.

He was on TV on the very day for the countdown to Chinese.

Sry the picture’s a little blur, took it with my handphone.

Well, that’s all the time I have for now, bye.


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