Friday, September 4, 2009

Home learning Poetry 4/09/09

The persona feels tired of teaching, angry and frustrated. The persona uses the literary device alliteration, to express his anger and frustration about the students unwillingness to learn. “Hate to hunt” shows an example of alliteration used by the persona. It shows his anger as he uses words like hate and hunt which has a aggressive meaning.
The person used metaphors such as “My pack of unruly hounds”. This shows how much hate the persona has towards his students. There is also an element of anger as he persona describes his students as animals which are rowdy and not obedient. “How long have they tugged the leash”, is another example of metaphor used by the persona. It makes the students seem like dogs which are on a leash. The students are uncooperative as they are endlessly pulling the “leash” and making the owner, in which, is the persona, angry.
Pun was also used. An example would be “quarry of knowledge”, in which the word quarry, is actually a place where rocks are mined, in this context, it makes use of the word quarry to make it as if the students are suppose to look and “dig” for their knowledge in the classroom. In the secondary paragraph, the word “sick” was also used. In this context, the word sick means that the persona was feeling tired and frustrated with his students as they were not behaving themselves. It shows the mental status of the persona not liking his job. The other meaning of sick refers to the physical status of feeling unwell, or having caught a disease or illness. In the 3rd paragraph, “fuel of life” is a pun as it makes it seem that the fuel is the amount of life he has left. In this context, “my last dear fuel of life”, makes it seem as though the persona is old or feeling extremely unhappy such that he has only a small and final portion of his life to live. The other meaning of fuel would be a type of energy used for vehicles to operate them. “Take the toll” is also a pun as it is a form of paying tax. In this context however, it makes it seem that the persona is deprived and depressed due to the fact that his students are unwilling to learn. It makes it seem that he has to pay a price for these students.

The tone of anger can be illustrated by the persona’s use of metaphor, personification as well as choice of words.
The persona uses metaphors such as “how long have they tugged the leash”, which shows the extent in which the persona hates and is extremely angry with his students such that he describes them as wild dogs or animals which are endlessly tugging the leash.
The use of personification can be seen from “My pack of unruly hounds”. He describes his students as animals and are extremely uncooperative, which results him in being very angry. Hounds are rowdy and disobedient, and pack refers to a group. Likewise, he describes his whole class of students which are rowdy as well as disobedient to a pack of hounds.
The use of choice of words are chosen carefully by the persona, such that he shows how angry he is. For example, “I can haul them no more”. The word “haul” has a violent action, in which it makes it seem that the persona is throwing his students, but in this context, it shows that he has given up forcing and urging his students to study. “Several insults of blotted pages” shows that his students do not take care of their books. This shows how unwilling the students want to learn, and this causes the persona to feel angry and use words such as “insults” and “blotted”, which shows how angry and insulted he feels that the students are treated their books this way. In the 3rd paragraph, the literary device choice of words are also used, as seen from “heap on my soul”. These carefully chosen words show that his students are a burden to him and are depriving him from succeeding. He finds them a torture to himself and is the cause of all his anger in his life. In 6th paragraph, a pun, as well as choice of words, were used. “Why should we beat our heads against the wall”. The phrase’s words are used to show the persona’s anger. The meaning of this in the context means to think hard and try to find a way. But in literal meaning, it means to forcefully knock their heads against a wall, which in result would cause much pain. The persona does not see any reason why he should try so hard to find a way to help his students, and in result hurt himself.