Thursday, March 5, 2009

Current Affairs (Term 1 Wk 9)

Q: Write a 400-word exposition on gender equality in your country.

In Singapore, gender no longer seems like a very important issue anymore. Both men and woman, male or female are both capable and strong in their own ways.

For education, only males were allowed to study in the past. Now, females are also allowed to learn and in fact do well in studies. This shows that gender does not matter anymore.

For sports, women are also playing the same games as men are and in Singapore, the table tennis woman’s team has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Those are just a 2 examples of the capabilities of both females and males. Males were very respected in the past as they are usually the breadwinner of the family. Males were also though to be more capable and able to make a difference in the world unlike females. Well, now the times have changed and both men and women are both respected and both genders excel extremely well in their jobs. They are able to take the pressure and produce good work

Now, we go to politics, in which usually only men are seen in the higher ranks. Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor, Barack Obama, President of the United States and many other great leaders from all over the world are men. Hilary Clinton made a good fight, but failed in the end. But lets stay in Singapore. The past few Prime ministers are men, if not all the previous prime ministers are men. But why is this so ? Is it really true that woman are less capable? Or is it because they are not given the chance to do so ? Well, I personally feel that everyone in Singapore, regardless of their gender are given a chance to become what they want, it is just the matter of whether they are capable or not. I believe Singapore is fair and do no discriminate against any gender whether male or female (lets exclude in between or none of the above).

I also feel that there are few female surgeons. It is probably because they are more emotional and that should not be the case as being surgeons, they must concentrate on their job. That is not the only job which few females work as. There is no rule where women cannot be surgeons, only men can. This is another point which proves that in Singapore, every gender is treated fairly, it is just up to the person whether they want to do it or not.

However, some people may still look down on women. Mostly in sports as they are naturally and physically weaker, but of course, there are some exceptional ones which are exceptionally good in sports.

In conclusion, in this generation, at this moment of time, both males and females are being treated almost equally and none of them are being looked done on, that is the gender equality in Singapore.


Blogger JL said...

Well what you said and Zhang Cheng said are almost the same.Regarding the issue about woman not given chances to prove themselves,i think that the problem is caused by the woman themselves since they rarely stand out for themselves and they are treated as sex toys for perverted men so they become timid.Most men in foreign countries treat woman as toys,play around with them and throw them away when the y get sick of them.This is one example why woman are not given chances.Most of them just blame the god and give in to their fate.

March 15, 2009 at 12:24 AM  
Blogger Mickey said...

1: Ok, but i didn't copy zhang cheng neither did he copy me i think. I posted on 5th march, he posted on 14th march. Anyway, how do you know so much about the woman treated badly and become timid, i don't think that is the main problem which cause all the woman to become like tha, that might just be one small part of the whole woman population.

March 23, 2009 at 5:36 PM  

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